Journal of Management and Economic Studies Ayşe Nevin SERT, Ph.D. en-US Journal of Management and Economic Studies Rural Tourism As Promoter of Rural Development: A Conceptual Overview <p>Economic, social and technological developments in recent years have led to significant changes and transformations in the tourism sector. There has been a growing interest in alternative tourism types such as rural tourism. This form of tourism is becoming increasingly popular as it offers an escape from urban life and allows people to reconnect with nature. Furhermore it is accepted that rural tourism is an important tool for socio-economic development and regeneration in rural areas where the economic return of agricultural activities is decreasing. The aim of the study is to explore the role of rural tourism in rural development and to provide recommendations for its more effective use. Preservation of cultural heritage, maintaining the unique natural features of rural regions and keeping traditional handicrafts alive are important for the development of rural tourism.</p> Ayşe Nevin Sert Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 4 370 379 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1480 The Effect of Inclusive Leadership on Green Organizational Behavior <p>The aim of this study is to determine the effect of inclusive leadership on organizational green behavior. The sample of the research consists of employees operating in Turkey. Simple random sampling method was used in the research. 713 people answered the survey. IBM AMOS-22 and SPSS-22 programs were used to analyze the data obtained. Reliability, correlation and multiple regression analyzes were performed in the research, respectively. According to the analysis results, it is seen that inclusive leadership positively affects green organizational behavior. According to the results obtained, it was determined that the ınclusive leadership levels of the employees significantly affected all the sub-dimensions of green organizational behavior.</p> Neriman Çelik Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 4 380 388 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1481 Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on the Performance of the Nigerian Capital Market <p>The capital market as a veritable engine of development has attracted discussions among scholars. This paper reviewed the findings of several studies on the effect of the macroeconomic variables on the performance of the capital market in Nigeria. Content study was used where the findings of several other studies were reviewed to identify any consensus or divergence on the findings. The findings indicate a positive and significant relationship between the variables of aggregate money supply and Gross Domestic Product on one hand and the development of the capital market in Nigeria. Interest rates and inflation were shown to have negative and significant effect. Findings on the effect of the exchange rate were divergent and, therefore inconclusive. It was recommended that governments at all levels should make concerted efforts to tame corruption and provide infrastructures to improve business activities as well as effectively manage inflation and interest rates through appropriate policies.</p> Ifeanyi Nwankwo Nuhu Dogara Gado Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 4 389 397 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1482 The Relationship Between Strategic Physiognomy and E-Service Delivery The Mediating Role of Marketing Intelligence <p>The study aims to discover the mediating role of Marketing Intelligence in enhancing the relationship between Strategic Physiognomy in its dimensions and the provision of E-Service Delivery. The study focuses on evaluating the methods used in collecting and analyzing data to identify challenges and oppurtunities in the Iraq tourism environment. The study relied on environmental scanning to collect data on the problems facing the tourism sector in Iraq and analyze them to determine future trends. Advanced techniques and programs were used to collect and analyze informantion in line with the objektives, problem and questions of the sdudy. The questionnaire was used as a means of obtaining information from the sample of (162) individuals in Iraqi tourism companies. The data were analyzed using statistical programs (Amos V.23), (SPSS V:23). The study concluded that there is a direct impact of Strategic Physiognomy in providing E-Service Deliveriy, and an indirect impact of Strategic Physiognomy in providing E-Service Delivery through adopting Marketing Intelligence. While the study reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which is that companies should use advanced analysis tools to collect and analyze data on markets, costumers and competitors on a regular basis and train employees to use and benefit from them in making strategic decisions.</p> Layla Mohsen Hassan Al-Hakeem Amjad H. Ismail Mohammed Awad Jarallah Ahmed Abdullah Amanah Nassrullah Hamdan Abbood Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 4 398 407 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1483 Global Financial Crises and Its Impacts on The Economy of Bangladesh: A Case Study <p>The response of Bangladesh to the ongoing global economic crisis involves a complex interplay of both internal and external elements. This study examines how the global financial crisis affected Bangladesh's economy. Primary and secondary data were used to achieve goals. Analysis of data from the previous ten (2013-2014 to 2022-2023) fiscal years indicates the economic scenario of Bangladesh. There has been a marked increase in the global prices of oil, gas, and other commodities, fueled by strong domestic demand. Depreciation of the Bangladeshi taka against the US dollar caused inflation. Rising global commodity prices, gasoline prices, and local electricity tariffs contribute to Bangladesh's inflation. These factors will likely continue to affect inflation in the future months. The population is struggling to afford essentials, which lowers their living standards and savings.This research will help Bangladeshi lawmakers, academics, and policymakers comprehend the global financial crisis's causes and effects on the economy.</p> Sukanto Kumar Md. Rokonuzzaman Shimul Ray Dhanonjoy Kumar Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 4 408 419 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1484 Mapping the Factors: Understanding Digital Technology Development in Depok City, Indonesian MSMEs <p>This research aims to examine the interaction between various variables and digital technology instruments and map the position of each variable in Indonesian MSMEs. The study also measures the level of Digital Technology Development descriptively and tests the variables of Access &amp; Infrastructure, Utilization, and Expertise on Digital Technology Development. The research involves 132 MSME samples and employs a structured questionnaire for primary data collection. The results of the measurement indicate that the usage level of digital technology by MSMEs for Access &amp; Infrastructure is lower than the level of Utilization of digital technology and lower than the level of Expertise. Access &amp; Infrastructure does not have an individual impact on Digital Technology Development in MSMEs. On the other hand, the Utilization variable and the Expertise variable have a significant impact. However, collectively, all three variables significantly affect Digital Technology Development in MSMEs and exhibit a high level of correlation.</p> Ari Wb Raharjo Tety Elida Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 4 420 439 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1485 The Impact of Irrational Economic Policies on Borsa Istanbul, Interest Rates, and Inflation in Turkey: A Time Series Analysis <p>This study aims to examine the relationship between Borsa Istanbul (BIST), interest rates, and inflation during the period of irrational economic policies from 2018 to 2023. The Johansen Cointegration model (1991, 1995) was employed to investigate the long-term relationship between the variables. Using monthly data, the dynamics between the BIST100 index, interest rates, and inflation were analyzed. The findings of the study indicate that as interest rates and inflation decrease, the BIST100 index tends to rise. This suggests that lower interest rates and inflation stimulate investment and consumption, thereby supporting economic growth. Additionally, a linear relationship between inflation and exchange rates was identified, predicting that the exchange rate would increase at least by the inflation rate.</p> Hakan Altın Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 4 440 454 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1486 The Influence of Transformational Leadership And Organizational Justice Toward Organizational Commitment (A Case Study of Employees at X Principal Clinic and Laboratory in Bandung) <p>This study aims to analyse the influence of transformational leadership and organizational justice toward organizational commitment among employees at X Principal Clinic and Laboratory in Bandung. The transformational leadership is expected to enhance organizational commitment by increasing employee motivation and trust, while organizational justice is measured through distributive, procedural, and interactional justice. The research method used is a survey with a quantitative approach, where data is collected through questionnaires and interviews. The study population comprises all employees of the X Principal Clinic and Laboratory, and the data analysis techniques include validity tests, reliability tests, and multiple linear regression. The results show that both transformational leadership style and organizational justice have a positive and significant influence on organizational commitment, combined they contribute 86.6% to organizational commitment, while the remaining 13.4% is influenced by other variables that were not studied. An effective transformational leadership can enhance employees' emotional attachment to the organization, while perceived fairness in the organization can increase employees' loyalty and desire to remain with the organization. This study contributes to the development of organizational behaviour theory and provides practical implications for management in the healthcare sector to improve organizational commitment through effective leadership styles and fairness within the organization.</p> Diah Ariasa Dede R Oktini Titik Respati Rabiatul Adwiyah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 4 455 475 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1487 Transformational Leadership and Organizational Condition as Antecedents of Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance : A Case of Graha Power Kaltim Bontang Company, Indonesia <p>Antecedents that affect employee performance and job satisfaction need to be known to help organizations more intensely maintain and improve employee performance and job satisfaction in the long run. This study examines how the synergistic relationship between transformational leadership, work environment, and organizational communication as antecedents of job satisfaction and employee performance. This study used a quantitative approach. Data were obtained through structured quantitative questionnaires. Sampel of this study consists of 54 employees of Graha Power Kaltim Bontang Company. Data analysis was performed with SEM-PLS. A direct relationship is observed between job satisfaction and performance. The findings demonstrated a strong and meaningful synergistic connection between transformational leadership, work environment, organizational communication, job satisfaction, and employee performance. The work environment is a key factor in determining employee performance, whereas organizational communication is a crucial factor in determining job satisfaction.</p> Meilan Sugiarto Christina Patasik Hastho Joko Nur Utomo Susanta Meyzi Heriyanto Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 4 476 490 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1488 Modelling and Forecasting Environmental Protection Expenditures: A Comparative Study of Alternative Methods <p>Forecasting environmental protection expenditures is important in planning the financing resources needed for policies aimed at environmental protection. In this study, we aimed to determine the highest performing models from the Exponential Smoothing, Box-Jenkins" and Artificial Neural Networks methods and to estimate the environmental protection expenditures of metropolitan municipalities, which have a major role in the realization of environmental protection activities in Türkiye, for the periods from 2024:-2025: 4. To evaluate the performance of the models, we used the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) criterion and identified the model with the lowest MAPE as the most accurate for forecasting. As a result of the experiments, it was seen that all three models (Seasonal ARIMA, Multiplicative-Seasonal Holt-Winter’s and ANN) produced quite successful results, and the Nonlinear Autoregressive ANN model was more successful in capturing the nonlinear patterns in the data compared to the time series models, albeit with a small difference.</p> Murat Çuhadar Selma Aydoğan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6 4 491 508 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1489 The Influence of Overconfidence on Investment Decision: A Study of Investor Behavior in Indonesia <p>Overconfidence is one of the most common investment biases exhibited by investors. The bias-transaction activity will cause unfair trading. The influence of various factors on overconfidence is examine. This research presents a novel perspective by suggesting a relationship between risk characteristics and social media. Data were collected from 165 Indonesian Stock Exchange investors in December 2023, using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method. The results show: firstly; the overconfidence level among investors is moderate. Social media moderately influence investors, who generally exhibit a risk-neutral character. Secondly, no associations between gender and selected demographic factors were founded. In this case, male and female genders are the same for education, generation, risk characteristics, and investment strategy factors. Thirdly, an association between genes and risk characteristics. Fourthly, by OLS regression, only strategy factor influences overconfidence, but in the reverse direction. These results show that investors with technical strategies are more overconfident.</p> Said Kelana Asnawi Dergibson Siagian Salam Fadilah Alzah Indra Halim Elizabeth Vita Mutiarawati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 4 509 521 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1490 Developing A Sufficient and Effective Village Tourism Model in Zanzibar <p>The main purpose of this study is to develop or to create the sufficient and effective village tourism model in Zanzibar. Since the village tourism in Zanzibar is in lower stage of development due to lack of strategic planning, poor infrastructures, lack of support and poor population control. The data collection method chosen for the study is participant observation. This method allows the researcher to make direct observations while also gaining a deeper understanding of the community's daily life. The findings show that the created model will built the tactics for increasing the financial activities in the village area of Zanzibar, will create the community initiative on the local product development and destination controlling toward any degradation. Base on the results, the researchers suggest that there should conduct some research for tourism activities evaluation, marketing support for local products such as potteries, weaving bags, fruits, and many other products.</p> Hamed Abdalla Yaşar Sarı Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-28 2024-12-28 6 4 522 535 10.26677/TR1010.2024.1491