Journal of Management and Economic Studies 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 A. Nevin SERT, Ph.D. Open Journal Systems Transforming Industrial E-commerce Adoption to Achieve Business Success 2024-06-27T09:35:44+00:00 Mohamad Abu Ghazaleh Salam Abdallah <p>This research aims to explore the transformation of e-commerce adoption in the industrial sector, identifying barriers to success and opportunities for growth and innovation. Utilizing the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), we conducted a comprehensive literature review to assess factors influencing e-commerce adoption, focusing on perceived usefulness and ease of use. The research methodology includes a detailed analysis of expert insights and existing literature, targeting the industrial sector's unique challenges. Key factors such as customer service, product selection, and payment options were evaluated for their impact on e-commerce implementation. The study's findings reveal that, despite the potential benefits of increased efficiency, productivity, and profitability, industrial e-commerce faces higher project failure rates compared to retail. This discrepancy highlights the need for tailored strategies to enhance adoption rates within the industrial domain. The research also acknowledges limitations due to the scarcity of specific literature and the focus on only two variables in the conceptual model. Ultimately, this paper provides valuable recommendations for policymakers and business leaders aiming to leverage industrial e-commerce for organizational growth.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Domestic Market Determinants of Foreign Portfolio Flows to an Emerging Market: A Study of Saudi Capital Market 2024-06-27T09:42:09+00:00 Lakshmi Kalyanaraman <p>This study examines the domestic market determinants of portfolio flows from foreign institutional investors in Saudi stock market. Monthly data relating to domestic market size, re-turn, volatility liquidity and proportion of free float shares for the period, March 2017 to September 2023 is analysed. Granger causality shows that foreign portfolio flows cause domestic market return in Saudi Arabia and the reverse causality is absent. Multivariate time series regression analysis is employed to finds that market size as measured by market capitalization and domestic market return volatility are the covariates of foreign portfolio flows. Results of the study have important implications for the regulators of emerging markets to decide what factors to focus on in policymaking to attract foreign portfolio flows.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EU Green Deal, Opportunities and Challenges for Vietnam's Exports to the EU Market 2024-06-27T09:46:37+00:00 Thi Anh Tuyet Le <p>By synthesizing, analyzing and commenting, the article clarifies the regulations in the EU green agreement. Thereby, the article predicts the channels through which this agreement can affect Vietnam's export activities to the EU. The result shows that EGD will affect Vietnam's key export product groups such as electricity and electronics; Agricultural and aquatic products; Textiles, garments, footwear;... At the same time, based on the assessment of the current export situation between Vietnam and EU countries, the article also points out the main opportunities and challenges for Vietnamese exports in the context of implementation of the EU green deal.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Models of Indonesian Students to Study in Higher Education Institutions in China 2024-06-27T09:48:21+00:00 Ding Chong Djumarno Sugeng Santoso Lenny Christina Nawangsari <p>Studying in China for educational purposes is one of the genuine aspects of China's higher education and an essential component of talent development via higher education. It is also an important factor in Chinese education overseas. With the opening of numerous areas and regions, education has become an important field and a point of entry for interactions between China and other nations owing to its unique qualities. This research seeks to identify the Models of the Role of the CNY Agency for Indonesian Students Enrolling in Chinese Higher Education Institutions. This research used the SEM (Structural Equation Model) approach using the SMART-PLS 3.0 analytic tool, which was proved on 201 respondents who are students studying in China through the CNY Agency's consultation. This research discovered that student motivation, personal relationship, discipline, and student satisfaction directly affect student performance and that student satisfaction mediates the effects of student motivation and discipline on student performance.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Factors Affecting the Intention to Start-up of an E-commerce Business of Vietnamese Students: The Case of Students at Dai Nam University 2024-06-27T09:54:14+00:00 Do Thu Huong Truong Duc Thao Nguyen Thanh Huyen Do Tien Minh Hoang Kim Thuy Ha Ngo Thi Ngoc <p>This study was conducted with the purpose of showing the factors affecting the intention to start an e-commerce platform-based business of university students in Vietnam. Accordingly, we examine the impact of six factors on startup intention through direct and indirect mechanisms via the intemediate variable “Perception of startup feasibility”. The study used the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and conducted a survey of 458 students majoring in Economics, Technology and Social Sciences in Vietnam. Next, we processed the data using linear structural equations – ̣SEM – and on SPSS24 and AMOS24. Research results found that, the higher the students perceive the feasibility of the startup ideas, the higher the startup intention. Additionally, the factor of “Educational environment” plays the most important role in determining “Perception of startup feasibility” and “Startup intention”, which reveals the universities’ key role in student entrepreneurship training.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Factors Influencing Employee Performance: Job Engagement as a Mediating Variable 2024-06-27T09:59:47+00:00 SAIMIN Noor Salim Mafizatun Nurhayati Lenny Christina Nawangsari <p>The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of organizational culture on employee performance, considering the mediating role of employee engagement and the intervening effect of esprit de corps. The methodology involves a descriptive survey conducted among civil servants at the North Kalimantan Ministry of Religious Affairs. The research model integrates organizational culture as the independent variable, employee performance as the dependent variable, with esprit de corps as the intervening variable and employee engagement as the mediating variable. The population includes civil servants in North Kalimantan, with a sample size determined for the preliminary survey. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire focusing on indicators of organizational culture, esprit de corps, employee engagement, and employee performance. The most striking results indicate a significant gap between the current and ideal levels of employee performance, with task performance, contextual performance, adaptive performance, and counterproductive behavior not meeting expectations. Organizational culture, particularly leadership competence, has a notable influence on employee engagement and performance. The findings suggest that enhancing esprit de corps and employee engagement can improve overall performance.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 An Analysis of Operating Strategies to Promote Performance in the CPA Industry in Taiwan 2024-06-27T10:02:27+00:00 Chia-Chi Lee <p>This paper investigates the impact of four factors, including business location and business style, market regional distribution, human configuration and business specialization or diversification, on the operating performance of an accounting firm. The data is obtained from the “2011 accounting firm service industry survey report” compiled by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), which provides 571 valid firms as a sample. This paper conducts a two-stage empirical test using multiple-regression analysis combined with a univariate statistical test. The dependent variable, to measure operating performance, is total business revenue. The independent variables include the number of business locations, resident CPA service, regular resident CPA service, resident professional service, city concentration, region concentration, human configuration concentration and business specialization. The control variables include the number of employees, period since establishment and partnership or sole proprietorship. According to the findings of this paper, more business locations and higher human configuration concentration result in better operating performance; and branch firms adopting two business styles, such as resident CPA service and resident professional service and higher region concentration experience poorer operating performance. The findings of this paper provide a reference for practical decision-making in terms of operation orientation, internal manpower distribution, and business strategies and form the basis of future improvements and the formulation of operating strategy.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Alienating Effect of Technology: Does Technological Innovation Cause Work Alienation? 2024-06-27T10:04:14+00:00 Saffet Karayaman <p>This article basically analyzes how technological innovation affects employees' alienation from their jobs. Detailed purpose of the article; It also aims to analyze the impact of technological innovation on employee alienation from their jobs and strategies to reduce the negative impact of technological innovation on employee alienation. These research studies prepared by the literature review method are named as "compilation article" method. The article tries to explain what technological innovation means and how it is implemented, the definition and determinants of alienation and work alienation, the impact of technological innovation on employee alienation from work and the factors contributing to this effect, and strategies that can be used to reduce the negative impact of technological innovation on employee alienation. Based on the results obtained; Technological innovation is the process of developing new ideas, products, services or processes or significantly improving existing ones. Technological innovation can drive changes in business processes, consumer experiences, or the products themselves. However, it can also trigger work alienation, a condition in which employees perceive their jobs as meaningless, unimportant, or worthless. It is hoped that the article, which is a theoretical analysis, will contribute to the ongoing discussions of technology, artificial intelligence and organizational behaviour.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Role and Power of Tour Guides as Storytellers in Cultural Heritage Tourism 2024-06-27T10:05:50+00:00 Sıla Karacaoğlu <p>Storytelling began with the existence of humanity. Today, stories used in different fields play an important role in the formation of destination image, marketing and attractiveness in terms of tourism. In this context, tourist guides, one of the most promi nent and key actors of the tourism industry, are the ones who build a bridge between destinations and guests and provide unforgettable tourism experiences to tourists through stories. It can be said that tourist guides use their storytelling role mostly in cultural heritage tours. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of the impact and importance of the storytelling role of tourist guides on destinations and tourists within the scope of cultural heritage tourism. In this direction, a comprehensive literature review and evaluation has been conducted. Finally, some suggestions are presented for both tourist guides and destination managers, tourism marketers and managers to maximize tourists' story experiences related to cultural heritage.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024